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Campaign Design

Sex Education is something which is still not widely implemented in I Hence this project aims to promote sex education in our society and make parents and adults aware of the challenges that children and adolescents face due to the lack of sex education.

Problem Statement

The Taboo around the word ‘sex’ and hence the lack of sex education during the formative years of individuals can cause various issues in sexual health, mental health, understanding of the body, and so on in the future. Parents themselves are uncomfortable about discussing this topic with their children which creates a gap in communication and connection.

SDG's Incorporated

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. It has been drafted by the UNO ( United Nations Organization).

SDG 3- Good Health and Well Being.

SDG 4- Quality Education

SDG 5- Gender Equality


Ensure healthy lives and promote
well-being for all at all ages.


Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote life

long learning opportunities for all.


Achieve gender equality and
empower all women and girls.

Mind Maps

The following mind maps were made to help me understand the different
aspects of sex education and the areas which are important and which I
can focus on.


Primary User

Secondary User

Parents, especially young parents

Guardians, Relatives, Siblings.

Tertiary User

Teachers and other Educators.


After conducting Secondary Research on the topic I went into Primary Research wherein I conducted two personal interviews and an online survey. Following are the important insights gathered after conducting research. Following are a few examples of the research material found.

User Persona


Mrs. Rumi Dey


Name: Mrs. Rumi Dey
Age: 45
Mother of 1 child of age 6
Place of residence: Kolkata, West Bengal
Profession: Senior Art Director at Balaka
Film Studio, Kolkata
Hobbies: Painting and photography
Adventure sports, Spending time with family.


User Needs:

-To understand how she can guide her
child through the curriculum of sex
education as and when he grows.
-To know how to answer questions about
sex when her child asks.
-To create a friendly and transparent
environment at home.
-To guide her child through sexual growth and maturity

Pain Points:


-She doesn’t know which trustworthy sources she should refer to for advice and knowledge.
-Sometimes talking about sex can be awkward and uncomfortable.
-The elderlies in her family might not support these kind of conversations at home.


Gain Points:

-She is determined to protect her child in any kind of situation.
-She wants to teach her son how to be respectful towards people, especially women.
-She wants to teach him values and ways to defend himself.

Empathy Map

Pain Points:


-Lack of awareness on the
importance of sex education.
-Lack of knowledge on how the topic
should be introduced in a child’s life.
-Lack of empathy on children and
adolescents who face problems on
sexual health.


Gain Points

-There are many trustworthy online
sources which parents can refer to in
order to learn about comprehensive
sex education.
-Some schools are introducing
comprehensive sex education in
their curriculum.


They are parents,
guardians, teachers,
relatives, etc, who
have or know
children who are in a growing age (6-16


Anxious to discuss the
That the topic is


There is no proper sex
education curriculum in
schools, hence we can’t
rely solely on schools.
We don’t how to
approach our children
with this topic.


Some try to communicate with their children and are successful, some try, but
don’t know how to talk
about it, and some don’t
consider it an issue
important enough to be


Sex is an improper topic to talk about.
Sex education is essential but not provided properly in India.
Cybercrime, child
abuse, discrimination.


Children keeping their concerns to themselves, not sharing comfortably with parents. Children getting information from unreliable sources. Increase in teenage
pregnancies, lack of family support.



Poster Advertisements

Poster and billboard advertisements will be installed in these places:

-Grocery Store( paper bags)
-Hospitals (in the lobby)
-Billboards on the road
-Metro train (inside)
-Bus stops
-Shopping malls and buildings


Brochures to be
distributed in hospitals,
daycares, schools, etc

Social Media

Content: The content on
the posters and facts.

Mural Art

Bold mural paintings on walls to alert viewers as they pass on streets.

The Approach is to take up topics on sex-ed which need to
be discussed with children of different age groups.
To question the parents whether they are speaking to their
children about all these topics in the required time.(posters)
To make parents aware of how different age groups need to
be approached in different ways.(brochure).

Visual Language

Bold colours

to give a positive and strong message

Black and white imagery
show the taboo behind the topics and how they still need to come into the light.

San-serif condensed fonts
portrays the importance of the subject and is clear and bold.

Campaign Endlines

Sex-Ed Matters


Final Designs


poster 1 mockup.jpg
poster 2 mock up.jpg
poster 7.jpg
poster 5.jpg
PARCEL from god.jpg
poster 8.jpg
billboard 2.jpg
billboard 3 (1).jpg
Designs in Action!

Brochure Design


Mural Art Design

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